Sfera Macedonia busca voluntarixs europexs para su proyecto de protección medioambiental en Bitola, Macedonia
duración: octubre 2018 hasta abril 2019
contacto: sve@mojodecana.org
NGO SFERA MACEDONIA from Bitola, Macedonia is working from 2007 like a informal group and in July 2009 like a registered NGO. We are working on different kind of project along our main activities that are enviromental protection.We have project for for: tackling the poverty and unemployment, developing leadership skills and democracy among youth, environmental protection, organizing training, Workshops and camps and, finally, etworking with national and international organizations and networks.
The main goal of the project is improving the knowledge of volunteerss and children in schools about environmental problems and how to deal with them. They will learn about the problems in nature, how humans destroy and pollute the nature and how less and less natural resources remain in the world. They will develop their creativity and ability to create new things of already used materials. This EVS will also help the volunteers to raise awareness among young people about how important it is to preserve the nature and to ensure that the waste is going to reach the right place.