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Voluntariado Europeo en Grecia - Centro de Educación para Personas con Diversidad Funcional Visual

Voluntariado Europeo en el Centro de Educación y Rehabilitación para personas con diversidad funcional visual de Atenas, Grecia.

duración: septiembre 2019 hasta agosto 2020 contacto: fecha límite: 01-02-2019

V-isability is a volunteer project designed to reinforce the educational goals of the Center for Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind, in Athens. CERB, the only public body in the country active in visual impairment, offers the opportunity to 4 young people to join its daily schedule from 09/09/2019 to 31/07/2020 and develop skills for the support and education of visually impaired people promoting the value of social inclusion. During their service, the participants will learn Greek, in order to better communicate with the students of CERB. The people hosted in the project will have the chance to experience the methodologies of informal and non-formal education and contribute with ideas and initiatives of their own to the activities of the center. Amongst the basic ones are: escort of the students, support in their activities also in the Printing Department, creating educational projects, Braille lessons, free time with the students of the Center and its Boarding House, etc.

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